Consultants Corner2024-07-24T10:21:32-05:00

Writings & Insights from our Rome Group Consultants


guidance on strategic planning, board planning, succession planning, grants planning, and other related topics, helping nonprofits set clear goals, identify key performance indicators, and craft actionable roadmaps that align with their mission and enhance operational efficiency.


actionable insights and innovative strategies for nonprofit organizations, offering expert advice on donor engagement, grant writing, event planning, and leveraging digital tools to maximize fundraising efforts and achieve financial sustainability.


insights about nonprofit management, best practices for optimizing internal processes, enhancing team collaboration, and implementing efficient systems that support the delivery of services and fulfillment of organizational goals.


team member updates and an exploration of additional topics including emerging trends, legislative updates, leadership insights, and unique challenges and solutions in the sector, providing a broad spectrum of information to help organizations navigate complex environments and innovate effectively.

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