Jewish Family and Children’s Service
Jewish Family and Children’s Service
Jewish Family and Children’s Service (JF&CS) wanted to assess its operations, consider the external landscape, and develop a plan that would position the organization for growth of its work providing social services to the Jewish and general communities in St. Louis. Because of our team’s understanding of both nonprofit organizations and the St. Louis environment, JF&CS chose us to facilitate its business planning process.
Our team’s process was grounded in research. Through needs assessments, demographic research and interviews, we looked for opportunities in the market to raise revenue for current and future programs. We learned about internal operations from staff and Board. And we reviewed JF&CS’s infrastructure – its financials, organizational structure, marketing and communications, and technology. This resulted in a plan that includes four-year financial scenarios based on new or expanded programs, a fresh look at JF&CS’ fund development strategy and improved organizational efficiencies.
JF&CS is testimony that well-managed organizations can learn from business modeling. As JF&CS looks to its future, board and staff leaders can use the business plan that they developed with our team to make decisions.
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