After having worked with PROMO on the development of an ambitious strategic plan the organization underwent significant change, including a merger and expansion. Finding itself with no staff to lead its development efforts, PROMO – Missouri’s statewide organization advocating for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender equality – approached our team again to provide interim fund development support as it searched for a new department leader.
Shortly after The Rome Group began its work, the organization’s long-time Executive Director announced his departure. The Board asked our consultant to see them through the leadership transition and help stabilize the group’s development operation.
We came up with a three-part strategy to do just that: create a comprehensive development plan with goals for annual giving, major gifts and corporate and foundation support; get the organization’s donor database up to speed and useable; and support the new development director through coaching once hired to pass the baton.
PROMO has followed the plan we created together, and because of our partnership, the organization has met its fundraising goals (some of the largest in its history) and become a model of efficient, effective fundraising for advocacy organizations.
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